Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Prayer for my Friends...

I missed two days. I was aware but we finally hit "that time" in the semester this past week, or at least I did. Hopefully, I can keep blogging through Lent every day like I had planned even though school and church are becoming increasingly crazy...

This past week I have had friends experience the whole spectrum of human emotion. There has been joy, relief, fear, anger, sadness, gratitude, hopefulness and I am sure there are so many more. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I am prayerful for all of you and wanted to share a prayer that I wrote down sometime on Monday and have been praying ever since, every day and will continue to pray.

Dear Creator God,
I pray right now for all of my friends. Sometimes things happen that we do not understand, sometimes we do not even care to understand, God, hold all of my friends near to your heart today. Help them realize that you cry with them and you are ever-present in their sorrows. Today, God it is my prayer that new opportunities arise and your gift of creativity and imagination are used. I give you thanks for the happy things that have happened and for obstacles that are no longer there.
God, we are all over the place with what we are experiencing and feeling. Be present with us in your good grace and help us feel your calming presence.
I thank you for my friends, each and every one of them. Bring them peace.
In the name of Christ we pray and continue to seek...Amen.

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