Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Blogging Covenant

So here it is April and I have one entry from the past three months on my blog....good work.
April almost ended with not one entry.
I am making a promise to myself to officially be a blogger. I need to make it a spiritual practice.
So here is the covenant I make with myself and like the two people who read this now.

I promise not to think daily "Wow, this would be cool to blog about" and then not do it for various reasons which include things like laziness/forgetting, thinking no one will care, thinking my thoughts are not valid/important, etc.
I promise to blog about something at least weekly.
I promise to read other blogs and comment on them, in the interest of having productive conversations with my colleagues.

Signed, Emily Lorraine Carroll


Mark said...

I wanted to let you know that I read your blog, and that I support you in your efforts. I will try to comment from time to time.

Unknown said...

I love your covenant! I have been trying to keep to something similar myself except it's been a tough couple of weeks and I just don't feel like I'm healthy enough to blog for fear of revealing too much for the whole world to see right now! :) Give me another couple of weeks though! I love you Em! Hope you're feeling a little better at least!